I'm sleeping well going to bed early just emotional and physically tired. I could do with a week off maybe I'll look into that and see what I can do. I should see my psychiatrist as well just to keep in touch and on track. Do want to end up more depressed then I am right now. This time of year is hard on me. I don't do well with it getting dark early. It used to be my favorite time of year but not now. I'm going to sign off for now. Lay down and rest my legs. I'll try and write later.
Just a little something to fill the space
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Made it through the week
It was busy at work and I'm looking forward to the weekend off. Only today to go but I'm tired. A friend of mine came over last night and we talked tell 10 then I walked her home with Buddy she just lives around the corner. I'm not one to spend time with anyone from work but this girl is really nice and she has been a friend for a while. It took Buddy a bit to warm up to her he did a lot of pacing then settled down next to my husband. He's not to good with strangers yet which is OK. Good guard dog. It will take time he's been through a lot. Things are going to be tight this month as usual but we will get by. Well I guess I should really start getting myself ready for work. I'll write later.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Had a great nights sleep
Could have stayed in bed but my alarm clock wouldn't let me. I'm having problems waking up this morning. Well only rwo more days of work and I'm done for the weekend. It's so busy at work right now and everyone is stressed. I'm trying to do my best and not get wrapped up in the vortex but it's difficult. I went to the chart room and filed yesterday for the day that could be why I'm so tired. My legs are killing me. I have neuropathy in my feet and hands so it makes it difficult to work and be on my feet for any length of time. Well I'm going to stop complaining and sign off but I'm starting to wake now I'll write later. Buddy has been extremely good I'm really pleased with him he is fitting right into the family.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Well I'm glad today is over with
I got my phone working now and everything is good. We took Buddy with us when we asked up to get the sim card. He is tired tonight and sleeping next to my husband. I'm tired and could go to bed right now. I also got my flu shot to day and that could be part of the reason I feel like crap. Well enough for now I'll write again tomorrow.
I wonder how long I can go before I load games on my phone
I'm going to try and keep games off this phone and leave it strictly as a writing tool. I started a novel several years back and it finished but I'm on my 4th draft. I need to get it done. So let's see if I can do a page a day and get it completed.
Well we had a good night
Buddy was great slept all night it was us that got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I guess that happens to you as you get older. I had another blog which I have stopped writing in its time to move on. It was were I talked about my depression. New phone time to change. I'm medicated for it I have chronic suicidal ideations if that is how you spell it I've had them since I was 5 but now they are pretty much under control with the help of my psychiatrist and my husband who also has the same problem. Believe it or not we help each other because we understand each other's thought patterns I'm on medication for it and he's not. Not saying I'm worse then he is but we both deal with it differently. I see a psychiatrist and he doesn't. I say this because I'm not pushing pills or doctors but I think the each person deals with it differently but we are both able to talk about it and communication is the best. There are things that have happened in my life that I don't plan on talking about here but I do like to write my thoughts. I'm not a good speller and I don't use a lot of paragraphs I just write what is on my mind at the time till I have nothing more to say for the day. I have kept a journal for a long time now and have thrown them out or hide them but I think this is the best to blog. I don't know if anyone reads this and it doesn't matter if they do. It's therapy for me to get my thoughts and feelings down and out of my system. Well this morning I could go on and on but I have to get ready for work so I should stop for now and write later.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Just a bundle of fur.
This is buddy the newest addition to our family. We couldn't ask for a nicer dog. He's a good boy a rescue dog. We love him to bits.
Well got a new phone
Samsung Galaxy s6 like it so far but broke my sim card trying to make it smaller so now I'm not able to phone out. Will have to go to Roger's tomorrow and get a new card. Now my phone is saying I live in Hong Kong I don't know.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Well my sugars haven't been to bad
It been a while since I last wrote but I'm doing pretty good. I'm still trying to lose weight and it's slowly getting there I've lost 8 lbs so far but it's hard to tell but my clothing is fitting a bit better. I can't wait to get into my dresses again. Getting there slowly. I'm depressed this week nothing like being out of money to to make you depressed. Well I have been doing some reading and got a few books finished The girl on the train and a Pd james book as well she is a difficult read. Well I'll stop for now and write later.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Had to take it easy this week
My legs have been killing me so I took a week off. Will be walking at the car show tomorrow. I just found out that I have diabetes yesterday if I had got my blood work for the doctor I would never have found out. So the increased pain in my legs could now be from the diabetes. I don't know and my triglycerides are still out of wack they are 4.35 and the highest they should go 1.70.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Been walking up a storm
I've been logging in over 10000 steps a day and lost 6 lbs so far. I go for a walk on my lunch hour which is great really enjoy it. I have also been counting my calories but it's hard to get down passed the 200 mark. I can't believe that I let myself get that heavy but I did. Well here is to the new me. I haven't been as tired lately sleeping better at nights. Work is going pretty good as well. I'm supposed to get my vacation this summer which is good and I already have my winter vacation approved now I just need to save up the money and get our passports. I still want to go to Vagas this year. Well I should stop for now I'll write later.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Got myself a nike fuelband
I have started counting my calories again in hopes of losing some weight. I also bought a nike fuelband so I'm able to count my calories and how many steps I take. It also works for running as well. I don't know if I'll ever be able to run again but that is what I'm working towards. I have put a plan together to lose 61 pounds by my birthday. It will be interesting to see if I'm able to. I did 10567 steps today which I think is great. I'm getting there and I have been counting my calories for two days. It all takes time.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Well I'm going to have a grandson
I got a card in the mail from my son and daughter in law and they are having a boy. I'm so excited for them. I can now buy outfits for him. They haven't picked out a name yet they said they have three in mind. I can't wait till they have the him. I wonder who he will look like. Well work has been busy the past week we are learning a new program and we have changed to windows 7 now at work so everything looks a little bit different then before. I've been so tired this week and depressed I don't know what is wrong with me. My husband is still sick I guess I have been doing to much at work and I'm not a hundred percent either I still have the cough. This has been going on two weeks now. Well I should try and do dome reading or a bit of writing one or the other.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Been reading
Finished The Eighty Dollar Champion last night was a good book really enjoyed it. Now I have started back on James Patterson again for something to read. Reading The Cat and Mouse. I've been working this week it's only Tuesday I suppose it feels longer then that. They have changed our computers out at work and I hope they get everything set up right. I'm not feeling to bad right now sort of tired but not to bad. I should be getting myself ready but I don't feel like it. I only have a few minutes before the bus is here. Well I guess I should stop. I'll write again later.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Debating on office 365
I have Microsoft Word right now and it only gives you 5 gb of space on one drive I'm thinking about getting office 365 which gives you 1 tb of space. Right now with my novel I'm only using 1 gb we will see how it goes. Yes I'm working on a novel of my own have been for a few years I don't want to say how long but it's been it's been long I'm on the 4th and I'd like to say finial draft but we will see how it goes. I'm now using my tablet to write also my cell phone believe it or not. Technology sure has come a long way. I'm working today it will be interesting in the office I'm on my own and there is a lot to do. Oh well I can only do what I can. My honey has been sick I think that is all I'll say on the matter. I'm tired mentally right now but I guess I should stop and get ready for work. Later I'll write some more.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Now I think I have everything in order
I'm now able to edit my novel that I have been working on on my phone tablet and laptop so I'm set. Was able to get 7 pages done so far. I have to look into office 365 and find out what that is all about. I'm not to sure but it might be the way to go. Right now though this should work for me. I have a doctors appointment today and I'm pretty much ready to go. Just need to get dressed but I still have about half an hour before I need to be ready. I'm having a hot flash right now but I should really be getting ready. I'm off work today then work tomorrow then a half day on Friday. Well just a quick note for now I'll write later. I just thought I can only work on my novel on my tablet if I have WiFi.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Worked today
It was busy but I don't know what I have gotten done I'm tired tonight and I have been playing with my tablet. I started a book a few years ago and I have just found out that I can now work on it on my tablet which is crazy.
Time to go back to work
I was sick all easter weekend and I still don't feel the hottest today. I'm tired and my stomach is hurting my husband was hit the hardest. Really cut down on the smoking and I think I can finally cut it out if I wanted to. I really don't feel very good but I have to go. It so hot in here I can't take it. But really it's not. Well I think I'll just write a quick note for now I'll try and write later.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Well I have started a new book
It's called the eighty dollar champion good book I'm glad I got it. Had to pay for it it's on my kobo account which is on my tablet. I do all my reading on my tablet now love it. It's been busy at work right now but I have been getting a little bit of a lunch which is nice a good time to do some reading. I'm off after today for 4 days looking forward to it. I got my Christmas vacation approved so now all we need to do is save up the money and we will be able to go to Vagas which would be nice. I would love to go away for a vacation. I had asked for time off on our anniversary as well but I haven't heard back. Well just a quick note for now want to do some reading write later.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Well I spent the night looking at car parts
Had a great evening looking a car parts for the mustang. Didn't really do much else. But that's OK had fun and that's the main thing. I would like to get some new rims fir her for the summer tires we will eventually. I have to work today and I should really get myself ready I'll write later. Have to do that thing called work.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Watched Netflix last night
Watched the Lazarus project it wasn't bad it was OK. I'm tired this morning didn't sleep well last night. Kept dreaming this strange dream oh well its over now thank goodness for that. Here to finish my book I'm reading from the library I have signed it out again so I can finish it. I am tired today. Well I need to get ready. Write again soon.
Monday, March 14, 2016
We made it back safe and sound
We picked up the mustang for a 1995 she drives like a charm I thought she was a 2005 but I was wrong she 21 years old and amazing. We are calling her Rachel. I got to drive her first which surprised me and my husband. After the trip there and waiting for her for almost two hours once we got there he was a nervous wreak. But we got home safe and sound by quarter to nine I was tired. Everything went well and we are glad to have her home plus she looks great in the driveway.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Well we are going to pick up a mustang today
It will be interesting we have to go to pickering for it so we are going up there by train and meeting him at the train station. So a little adventure for us then home. It will be fun. Hope it all works out. I slept well last night didn't wake much so I'm good and rested. It will be nice to get back in one piece and home again. I have to print the tickets at the train station so we need to get there early. I think I'll take my trusty tablet with me for something to do and try and finish my book I'm reading. I'm reading James Patterson Jack and Jill right now. It's not bad the I'll read the Girl on the train. So life is good right now and I'm happy. That's important for me.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
I have whispering piano music playing
It is reminding me so much of my childhood and listening to my sister practice the piano after School as I did my homework. I love it.
This is my Great Niece
Isn't she beautiful she was born at 1216 am 7lb 5oz her name is Keely I think she is beautiful. Can't wait to hold her. Bought a ring to remind me of her all the time. I just love her to bits. Can't wait for my own grandchild who will be born around July 29th this is an exciting year.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Just got my tablet yesterday and love it.
Don't know how I lived without it before? It's great easy to use its a Samsung tab 4 I also have a Samsung phone so I'm used to it. I'm using this mainly as a reader that's what I got it for but I think it will eventually replace my computer which is really just a fancy word processor. I think it's time to turn over a new leaf in my life. Well just a short note for now I'll write later.