I'm sleeping well going to bed early just emotional and physically tired. I could do with a week off maybe I'll look into that and see what I can do. I should see my psychiatrist as well just to keep in touch and on track. Do want to end up more depressed then I am right now. This time of year is hard on me. I don't do well with it getting dark early. It used to be my favorite time of year but not now. I'm going to sign off for now. Lay down and rest my legs. I'll try and write later.
Just a little something to fill the space
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Made it through the week
It was busy at work and I'm looking forward to the weekend off. Only today to go but I'm tired. A friend of mine came over last night and we talked tell 10 then I walked her home with Buddy she just lives around the corner. I'm not one to spend time with anyone from work but this girl is really nice and she has been a friend for a while. It took Buddy a bit to warm up to her he did a lot of pacing then settled down next to my husband. He's not to good with strangers yet which is OK. Good guard dog. It will take time he's been through a lot. Things are going to be tight this month as usual but we will get by. Well I guess I should really start getting myself ready for work. I'll write later.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Had a great nights sleep
Could have stayed in bed but my alarm clock wouldn't let me. I'm having problems waking up this morning. Well only rwo more days of work and I'm done for the weekend. It's so busy at work right now and everyone is stressed. I'm trying to do my best and not get wrapped up in the vortex but it's difficult. I went to the chart room and filed yesterday for the day that could be why I'm so tired. My legs are killing me. I have neuropathy in my feet and hands so it makes it difficult to work and be on my feet for any length of time. Well I'm going to stop complaining and sign off but I'm starting to wake now I'll write later. Buddy has been extremely good I'm really pleased with him he is fitting right into the family.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Well I'm glad today is over with
I got my phone working now and everything is good. We took Buddy with us when we asked up to get the sim card. He is tired tonight and sleeping next to my husband. I'm tired and could go to bed right now. I also got my flu shot to day and that could be part of the reason I feel like crap. Well enough for now I'll write again tomorrow.
I wonder how long I can go before I load games on my phone
I'm going to try and keep games off this phone and leave it strictly as a writing tool. I started a novel several years back and it finished but I'm on my 4th draft. I need to get it done. So let's see if I can do a page a day and get it completed.
Well we had a good night
Buddy was great slept all night it was us that got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I guess that happens to you as you get older. I had another blog which I have stopped writing in its time to move on. It was were I talked about my depression. New phone time to change. I'm medicated for it I have chronic suicidal ideations if that is how you spell it I've had them since I was 5 but now they are pretty much under control with the help of my psychiatrist and my husband who also has the same problem. Believe it or not we help each other because we understand each other's thought patterns I'm on medication for it and he's not. Not saying I'm worse then he is but we both deal with it differently. I see a psychiatrist and he doesn't. I say this because I'm not pushing pills or doctors but I think the each person deals with it differently but we are both able to talk about it and communication is the best. There are things that have happened in my life that I don't plan on talking about here but I do like to write my thoughts. I'm not a good speller and I don't use a lot of paragraphs I just write what is on my mind at the time till I have nothing more to say for the day. I have kept a journal for a long time now and have thrown them out or hide them but I think this is the best to blog. I don't know if anyone reads this and it doesn't matter if they do. It's therapy for me to get my thoughts and feelings down and out of my system. Well this morning I could go on and on but I have to get ready for work so I should stop for now and write later.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Just a bundle of fur.
This is buddy the newest addition to our family. We couldn't ask for a nicer dog. He's a good boy a rescue dog. We love him to bits.
Well got a new phone
Samsung Galaxy s6 like it so far but broke my sim card trying to make it smaller so now I'm not able to phone out. Will have to go to Roger's tomorrow and get a new card. Now my phone is saying I live in Hong Kong I don't know.